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Sunday, May 18, 2014


NESARA- REPUBLIC NOW - GALACTIC NEWS: Repeal - The Act of 1871: "nstead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed – driver’s licenses and Passports. By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution"

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Emotions Run High at Yom HaShoah Event –

Emotions Run High at Yom HaShoah Event – "Emotions Run High at Yom HaShoah Event

By Masha Leon
Published May 09, 2008, issue of May 16, 2008.

Web Masters Cooments:

The title of the this page along with it's url is extremely misleading, at the very least. If I had to give someone the benefit of the doubt, perhaps a page was formed and then items were added, I do not really know.

“No politicians here! Get out! Get out!” shrieked the frail, white-haired Holocaust survivor as New York Senator Charles Schumer mounted the podium at the May 4 Annual Gathering of Remembrance/Holocaust — Yom HaShoah event at Manhattan’s Temple Emanu-El. Schumer waited, as did the hundreds sitting silently in the pews, as attempts to calm him failed. How can you evict a survivor for whom some memory triggered an emotional crisis? Before the ranter — still resisting — was gently led out, Schumer stated, loud and clear, “If more politicians had spoken up in the 1930s, there would have been no Holocaust.”

I suppose it is both the inaccuracy, as well as the tone that I find so offensive, calling this man, a survivor, who clearly had a point with some very strong validity, to label him as a ranter, is entirely unacceptable!

Here is an interesting response, apparently attempting to set the record straight, from someone who also attended this event, below:

No Politicians, Or No Politics, Is There A Difference?

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Running WordPress securely

Running WordPress securely: " has tools for hosting image galleries, podcasts and video, along with integration to social networks. However, no plug-ins can be installed, which means that if you have a couple of clear-cut content goals, and will satisfy those requirements, then outsourcing to Automattic (of which WordPress is the progeny) will work for you."

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Emotions Run High at Yom HaShoah Event –


“No politicians here! Get out! Get out!” shrieked the frail, white-haired Holocaust survivor as New York Senator Charles Schumer mounted the podium at the May 4 Annual Gathering of Remembrance/Holocaust — Yom HaShoah event at Manhattan’s Temple Emanu-El. Schumer waited, as did the hundreds sitting silently in the pews, as attempts to calm him failed. How can you evict a survivor for whom some memory triggered an emotional crisis?

Editor's Note:

History always gets re-written: This was not how it was, more explanation soon to come. 

Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News: "The ŻZW, led by Paweł Frenkiel, was established due to this split, and the forces were ready for the Uprising, which broke out on Passover Eve of 1943. . During these talks, Anielewicz and Frenkiel, along with their people, sat across from each other and could not reach an agreement.

“If it was difficult to understand why 2 organizations were established, it was much easier to understand why they had difficulties merging together. Anielewicz’s organization was political and less militant,""

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Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News: "the resistance began to form in the 2 organizations. According to Arens, at this point the Jews of Warsaw were having difficulties establishing a single unified entity to fight the Germans.

“The Left-wing organizations didn’t want to involve Beitar and Jabotinsky’s people. Today it is difficult to comprehend this refusal and understand how there were such differences in face of the Nazi threat which did not differentiate between various Jewish schools of thought"

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Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News: "There were rumors that today’s shipment would be the last and rumors that the Germans were taking 70,000 and then they would stop and take no others, but these rumors were soon proven wrong. These rumors prevented even the spark of resistance."

At the end of these shipments, when 50,000 people were left in the Warsaw Ghetto, the awareness that the Germans really did intend to kill them all, regardless of whether or not there was any resistance, started to sink in, and the resistance began to form in the 2 organizations"

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Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News: "6 months later, on the 9th of Av, 1942, the shipment from the Warsaw Ghetto began, and about 10,000 Jews were sent to the furnaces of Treblinka every single day until Yom Kippur.

“They were told they were being sent to labor camps, yet the fact that the shipments were comprised of the elderly, disabled and children, indicated otherwise. The trains returned empty and they became aware they were being sent to Treblinka. 270,000 people were transferred with no resistance."

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Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Moshe Arens in Shdema Speaks: Warsaw Ghetto Events - Jewish World - News - Israel National News: "Warsaw Jewry refused to believe it. They thought that as things stood, they were under German occupation, yet it had not happened, there was no mass murder. There were those who believed that perhaps such a murder could occur, but only in a place that was previously under Soviet regime and not here, in Warsaw”, says Arens, and points out that there was some opposition to the very spreading of this information, as it might invoke German wrath."

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

View Shakespeare sonnets :|: Open Source Shakespeare                

View Shakespeare sonnets :|: Open Source Shakespeare                : "Lo! as a careful housewife runs to catch
One of her feather'd creatures broke away,
Sets down her babe and makes an swift dispatch
In pursuit of the thing she would have stay,
Whilst her neglected child holds her in chase, 5
Cries to catch her whose busy care is bent
To follow that which flies before her face,
Not prizing her poor infant's discontent;
So runn'st thou after that which flies from thee,
Whilst I thy babe chase thee afar behind; 10
But if thou catch thy hope, turn back to me,
And play the mother's part, kiss me, be kind:
    So will I pray that thou mayst have thy 'Will,'
    If thou turn back, and my loud crying still."

Editors Note:

We had analyzed the sonnet above #143 in an college English class, it seems we must have spent days on it. Great stuff!

Use kern in a sentence | kern sentence examples

Use kern in a sentence | kern sentence examples:

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What is kerning? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary

What is kerning? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary: "kerning refers to adjusting the space between characters, especially by placing two characters closer together than normal. Kerning makes certain combinations of letters, such as WA, MW, TA, and VA, look better.
Only the most sophisticated word processors and desktop publishing systems perform kerning. Normally, you can activate or deactivate kerning for particular fonts."

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to Host Files on Dropbox for Your WordPress blog | Tech@CUNYJ

How to Host Files on Dropbox for Your WordPress blog | Tech@CUNYJ: "When you upload media files for your blog via ftp or WordPress, a static copy gets stored on the j-school server. If you change the file, you have to replace the copy to reflect the change.

 A more flexible alternative is to link to a media file or document stored somewhere online.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Dropbox to host audio, photo, and documents on your blog.

 Getting Started with Dropbox
Dropbox can be used as a downloadable software application and/or online as a web application. Skip the download if you only want to store files online. Download the app if you’d like your Dropbox folder to be available offline or want to sync across devices."

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Friday, April 18, 2014

World's longest-running expriment finally sees its result | DVICE

World's longest-running expriment finally sees its result | DVICE: "What's more, the drop was never in free-fall. It simply collided with the 8th drop, which fell in 2000 and took most of the last 14 years to tip over. A second experiment, at Dublin's Trinity College, did actually capture a real free-fall pitch drop after its own 69-year wait. Still, that pitch flows at all is impressive, considering that its viscosity is 230 billion times that of water."

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World's longest-running expriment finally sees its result | DVICE

World's longest-running expriment finally sees its result | DVICE: "after the last three drops were all accidentally missed, even as recently as 2000 when a power outage actually made the already-present webcams lose power at just the wrong moment. People definitely caught it this time, but since a pitch takes so dang long to actually drop, the precise time that it touched down is still under review."

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Notice I do not exist | beyond karma

Notice I do not exist | beyond karma: "Somehow I seem to have this predestined hunger for knowledge
A talent for seeing patterns and finding correlations
But I lack context"

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Latest stories by Katie

Latest stories by Katie: "Katie has always been fascinated by the far flung places of the world and mysterious wonders on our planet – from Stonehenge and the Mayan temples of Mexico to the colored sands of Mauritius, she has a big list of wonders that she managed to see and so many more yet to visit!

She has traveled around the world so has been lucky enough to see a fair few countries on the way and it’s her real passion to experience different cultures. She is an English lass now living in South Africa so exploring parts of this amazing country is next on her list. "

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

2009 : Free Range Kids

2009 : Free Range Kids: "She was a total helicopter mom, even though that term wasn’t used then.  She watched us every second she possibly could.  I was never allowed to go over to any friends’ homes because their parents could be child molesters.  My mom didn’t like other children in her house, so they weren’t allowed to come to our house, either.  She was a bit more lenient with my brother because he’s a boy and I’m a girl, but not much."

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Critics Consensus: Divergent Disappoints - Rotten Tomatoes

Critics Consensus: Divergent Disappoints - Rotten Tomatoes: "When Shailene Woodley criticized TWILIGHT the other day, I was like "Great! She cares about good messages in Y.A. movies", and this made me think DIVERGENT could be good. Bummer.

I think I'll go with NYMPHOMANIAC. I didn't hate THE IDIOTS as I thought I would, and Von Trier no longer follows the Dogma 95 rules. I'm glad. Those rules are supposed to prevent directors from using gimmicks, but making a movie that's so different from the rest is already a gimmick."

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Parks, Playing and Playgrounds : Free Range Kids

Parks, Playing and Playgrounds : Free Range Kids: "If a school in California gets sued when a child falls off a seesaw, you can be sure that schools in Massachusetts will remove seesaws….The solution—the only solution—is for judges and legislatures to draw the boundaries of who can sue for what as a matter of law. Every claim should first go through a legal gatekeeper, asking whether this claim might erode the legitimate freedoms of people in society."

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Parks, Playing and Playgrounds : Free Range Kids

Parks, Playing and Playgrounds : Free Range Kids: "Doctors waste billions in “defensive medicine.” Teachers no longer feel free to put an arm around a crying child. Businesses no longer give job references. Diving boards and seesaws disappear. Companies don’t take risks with innovative new products. Better safe than sorry. America’s can-do spirit turns upside down. Welcome to the culture of can’t do."

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Life Without Lawyers: Restoring Responsibility in America: Philip K. Howard: 9780393338034: Books

Life Without Lawyers: Restoring Responsibility in America: Philip K. Howard: 9780393338034: Books:

Notable: Remove baby before folding stroller.

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A Principal Calls CPS After Mom Lets Daughter, 10, Ride City Bus to School : Free Range Kids

A Principal Calls CPS After Mom Lets Daughter, 10, Ride City Bus to School : Free Range Kids: "It had been brought to her attention, the principal said, by some “concerned parents,” that my daughter had been riding the city bus to and from school. I said, yes, we had just moved outside of the neighborhood, and felt that this was the most convenient way for our 5th grader to get there and back. The principal asked was I not concerned for her safety? “Safety from what?” I "

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The Open Graph protocol

The Open Graph protocol: "Implementations
The open source community has developed a number of parsers and publishing tools. Let the Facebook group know if you've built something awesome too!

Facebook Object Debugger - Facebook's official parser and debugger
Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool - Open Graph protocol support in specific verticals and Search Engines."

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Principal Calls CPS After Mom Lets Daughter, 10, Ride City Bus to School : Free Range Kids

A Principal Calls CPS After Mom Lets Daughter, 10, Ride City Bus to School : Free Range Kids: "t comes to us from a mom named Anna who lives with her boyfriend, 10-year-old daughter and two cats in Rockville, MD. – L.
Dear Free-Range Kids: There is something about school administrators that can make even the most accomplished adult feel 8 years old again. So when the person on the other end of the line said “Hello, this is Ms. X, the principal of your daughter’s elementary school,” my heart momentarily decided to go hide somewhere in the area of my kidneys."

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Legal Age to Move Out in New York? -

Legal Age to Move Out in New York? - "In New York, you are legally allowed to move out when you are 18 years old. However, if you are under 18 and legally get emancipation, you can move out. This means that your parents or guardians no longer have legal authority over you."

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Legal Age to Move Out in New York? -

Legal Age to Move Out in New York? - "What is the legal age in new york state that you can move out?
18, unless married or emancipated at an earlier age. However, a child is still under his/her parent/guardian's authority until 18 (unless emancipated"

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