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Monday, January 2, 2012

Introducing Another Concept

This is something for my friends in the profitable world of SEO:

Even simple animals such as birds for example have a search image when it comes to finding what it needs to survive. If somehow you managed to get through High School without learning a lick of biology, you might not even have a clue to how valuable the study of biology is.

Industrial Melanism:

Prior to the Industrial revolution there lived a certain species of moths, that lived on trees. Now the moths were typically white in color, and because of that they blended in well with the trees where they normally lived.

Now during and after the industrial revolution when soot became to quite common on the very same trees where this species of moths lived, a very interesting thing happened.

The moths which were now prevalent on these trees which were now darker in color were black. 

The work pioneered by non other than Charles Darwin, explained this phenomenon (even before it occurred in the post Industrial Revolution period in England) in a very important concept known as Natural Selection.


If you are teaching a subject known as Regent's High School Biology, in the New York State School System, you can tell your students who know they want study computer science or website development, that SEO (having a search image of what you are looking to find on the world wide web) can be directly related to Charle's Darwin's theory of Natural Selection.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow without getting too technical I think the above article by explaining the concept of search image gets at one of the most important elements of SEO.


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